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Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?






写作关键词是“use computers and mobile phones for communication”和“young peoples reading and writing skills”,我们应该就这两方面展开讨论。























With the social development happens, the application of computers, mobile phones and other smart devices are becoming indispensable to our daily lives. However, some people argue that the dependency of them has a detrimental impact on the language skills of young people. Honestly, I possess the same concern.


Many young people constantly use acronyms when sending messages on their computers or mobile phones for daily communication, for instance, ASAP to “as soon as possible”, CUL8R to “See you later” and there are software and applications to ensure their accuracy of spelling and grammar while incorrect spelling or misusing words occurs. As a result, many of them gradually lose the ability to spell the most commonly used words, and this assisted way of communication leads to the inaccurate use of grammar when they have to compose an essay on their own. Therefore, the writing skills of the young can suffer.


Additionally, Indulging in online-chatting is time-consuming, which results in less time for reading. What is worse, it’s said that casual communication on smart gadgets exacerbate the development of short attention spans and gradually lead to a loss of interest in reading. Nowadays, it is not difficult to notice that there are increasing numbers of young people being enthralled in fragment reading, instead of sitting down and enjoy a hardcover. Thus, their reading skills will be degraded in the long term.


Undoubtedly, there are websites and mobile applications that can improve the literacy skills of the young in a way. For example, dictionary applications are particularly helpful for enlarging lexical pens; smart devices like kindle can be appealing to the young minds who are not attracted to print media. But unfortunately, young people now are more inclined to chat with others to expand their social circle than to develop linguistic skills.


Overall, I believe that too much access to computers and mobile phones for communication can indeed exert adverse effects on young people’s reading and writing skills.










smart devices/gadgets 只能设备


indispensable 不可或缺的


detrimental 有害的


acronyms 首字母缩略词


indulge in 沉湎于


time-consuming 耗时的


exacerbate 使加剧


attention span 注意力持续时间


degrade 削弱,退化


literacy skills 读写技能


enthrall in 沉迷于……


hardcover 精装书


lexical pens 词汇量


be inclined to 倾向于


expand ones social circle 拓宽社交圈


linguistic skills 语言技能


exert adverse effects 产生消极影响

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